Bank Guarantee Services

Bank Guarantee Services

Interest Free Financing

A bank guarantee issued by our bank is a written promise to compensate (pay a sum of money) to the beneficiary (local or foreign) in the event that the obligor fails to honor its obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the guarantee contract. Bank guarantees are unconditional and irrevocable when a claim is presented.

Bid Bond Guarantee

Bid/tender bond guarantees are guarantees issued by our Bank in favor of a designated beneficiary upon the request of the bidder, representing the commitment of our Bank to meet the claims that may be made by the beneficiary in the event that the bidder withdraws from the bid during the bid period or fails to accept the award when he/she becomes the winner.

Performance Bond Guarantee

A performance bond guarantee is a type of guarantee that our Bank issues in favor of a beneficiary at the request of the bid winner to meet any claims to be made by the beneficiary, in case the bid winner fails to deliver the goods or to perform the services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

Steamers’ Guarantees/Letters of Indemnity for Missing Documents

These guarantees are issued at the request of the buyer in favor of a carrier, in circumstances where the bill of lading is missing /delayed but the goods/cargo/ arrive earlier.

Customs Duty Guarantee

These are guarantees issued in favor of the Customs Authority (the beneficiary) in respect of customs duties in circumstances where goods imported without payment of customs duties (sometimes with the intention of re-exporting) are not re-exported and the respective customs duties have not been paid.

Foreign Employment Guarantee

A letter of guarantee issued to MoLSA by the request of foreign employment agency. No commission is collected from these customers. The main aim of providing this guarantee is to generate adequate foreign currency, create access to finance to the employees, and discharge our social responsibility.

Advance Payment Guarantee

An advance payment guarantee is a guarantee issued in favor of a buyer who makes the advance upon the request of the seller or the contractor who received the advance, representing a commitment on the part of our Bank to repay the sum, in case the seller or the contractor fails to honor the contract terms in their entirety, or in part. An advance payment guarantee gets proportionally reduced upon partial delivery of goods or proportional to progress in construction of projects.

Retention Guarantee

Retention guarantees are issued in favor of the party accepting to release retention money, upon the request of a seller or contractor, to provide security to a beneficiary, in the event that the seller or the contractor fails to perform his/her/its obligation as per the terms and conditions of the contract. A retention guarantee arises when a seller or a contractor wishes to collect any retention held on a contract by presenting a bank guarantee to beneficiary.

Trade Credit Guarantee (TCG)

TCG is issued to provide security to a local or foreign supplier/beneficiary on behalf of a local customer (debtor), representing a commitment on the part of our Bank to meet any claims to be made by the beneficiary in case the debtor (local buyer) fails to repay in accordance with the terms and conditions of the sales contract. TCG arise when a local customer enters into a purchase contract with either a local or a foreign supplier agreeing to repay the purchase price, usually on an installment basis over an agreed period of time.

BG for International Air Transport Association
(IATA) and Oil Companies

Letter of guarantee for International Air Transport and Oil Companies are issued for transaction of revolving nature mostly to suppliers on behalf of customers.

Education Guarantee (Guarantee for consumers)

A type of guarantee issued in favor of Ethiopian Revenue Authority or to any legally recognized institution (Beneficiary) at the request of the customer to meet any claims to be made by the beneficiary, in case the customer fails to pay the installment amount of education fee (cost sharing).


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