
Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Bank has a long-standing commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) we care about the communities we serve. We contribute to enhance the growth and success of the communities we serve. Oromia Bank proudly supports numerous philanthropic and civic organizations within the communities we serve. We have donated nearly Birr 50 million to local charity organizations, in response to disasters, Government projects and initiatives, and many more.

• OIB staff planted trees in Gelan town
• Donated over Birr 2.7 million for food items to households affected by drought;
• Donated Birr 400,000 for Environmental protection ;
• Donated 20 million Birr for displaced citizen due to natural and man-made disaster;

• OIB donated three Million Birr to Oromia State in favor of Fighting against COVID-19
• OIB donated Five Million Birr in favor of Fighting against COVID-19

• Donated Birr 6 million to Finfinne City Administration for Exercise Book;
• Donated over Birr 200,000 for Local Charities working on education ;
• Donated Birr one Million for Finfine City and its environs school feeding and educational material provision program.

• Donated Birr 1 million for Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
• Donated Birr 10 million for Sheger Green Project;
• Donated Birr 10 million for ‘Gebeta le Hager’ Project.
• Donated Birr Five Million to National Defense;