
Board of Directors

Board Leadership and Governance

The Board of Oromia Bank (OB) comprises of eleven non-executives Directors Chaired by Gemechu Waktola (PhD). The Board of Directors, which collectively direct the overall operation of the Bank, has five subcommittees-Audit; Risk Management & Compliance; HR, Projects, and Investment Affairs; IFB, Credit, and International Banking Services Affairs; and Branch Transformation, IT, and Marketing Affairs- Chaired by Mr. Mulugeta Tujuba, Mr. Ajema Gondel, Dr. Assefa Seme, Mr. Samuel Tesfa (representing Oromia Insurance Company), and Fanta Tesgera(PhD), respectively.

Sub Committee

Managing Committee

Each of the subcommittee closely supervises specific areas under their ambit and reports its performances to the full Board on a regular basis.

The Board Secretariat, staffed with full-time employees, facilitates the overall operation of the Board with the view of assisting the Board to effectively discharge the responsibilities entrusted to it by the Shareholders.

Risk Management and Compliance Sub-Committee

Chaired by Mr. Ajema Gondel, Risk Management and Compliance Board Subcommittee consists of three Directors. The committee supervises the proper performance of the Risk Management and Compliance activities of the Bank with the view of monitoring the Bank’s risk exposure and risk management and ensure compliance of the Bank’s overall operation with various pertinent laws of the land own policies and procedure. The committee, whose members have diverse knowledge, talent and experience, is effectively supervising the Risk Management and Compliance functions of the Bank.


Chaired by Mr. Mulugeta Tujuba, the Audit Board Subcommittee consists of three Directors. The committee supervises the proper performance of the audit activities of our Bank with the view of ensuring that effective internal control system and process are put in place and properly function.  The committee, whose members have diverse knowledge, talent and experience, is effectively supervising the performance of auditing function of our Bank.

HR and Business Affairs Sub-Committee

Chaired by Dr. Assefe Seme, the Human Resource, Projects, and Investment Affairs Board Subcommittee consists of five Directors. The committee supervises the proper implementation of the Human Resource functional strategy, which is part of the third strategic plan of the Bank, as well as the proper management of the projects and investments our Bank undertakes.   The committee, whose members have diverse knowledge, talent and experience, is effectively directing and supporting the management to effectively carry on the aforementioned major duties.

Branch Transformation, IT, and Marketing Affairs Subcommittee

Led by Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Andy Cecere, our 14-member Managing Committee consists of the most senior leaders at our company. The team includes the heads of our four core business lines and business support areas including digital, risk and strategy. Together, they are a diverse force of knowledge, talent and experience and embody our purpose and core values.

Sharia Advisory Committee

Chaired by Hajji Ibrahim Tufah, the Sharia Adviory Committee consists of three Muslim Scholars. The committee provides advisory services so that the Interest Free Banking services of the Bank are Sharia compliant and renders Fatwa on matters referred to it in relation to Interest Free Banking operations.    The committee, whose members have diverse knowledge, talent and experience, is effectively supporting the Board and the management to promote Sharia compliant Interest Free Banking Services.

Branch Transformation, IT, and Marketing Affairs Subcommittee

Chaired by Fanta Tesgera (PhD), the Branch Transformation, IT, and Marketing Affairs Board Subcommittee consists of five Directors. The committee supervises the proper implementation of the Branch Transformation & Digital Banking, Corporate Rebranding & Marketing, and IT functional strategies, which are part of the third strategic plan of our Bank.  The committee, whose members have diverse knowledge, talent and experience, is effectively directing and supporting the management to effectively implement the aforementioned three functional strategies.

IFB, Credit, and IBS Affairs Subcommittee

Chaired by Mr. Samuel Tesfa (a member of the Board representing Oromia Insurance Company(S. Co.), the Interest Free Banking, Credit, and International Banking Services Affairs  Board Subcommittee consists of five Directors. The committee supervises the proper implementation of the Interest Free Banking, Credit, and International Banking Services functional strategies, which are part of the third strategic plan of the Bank.  The committee, whose members have diverse knowledge, talent and experience, is effectively directing and supporting the management to effectively implement the aforementioned three functional strategies.

Election Committee

Board of Directors Election committe

Our Board of Directors at U.S. Bancorp brings decades of experience in a wide variety of industries including healthcare, technology, logistics and utilities. Visit our to read our Board of Directors biographies and learn more about our approach to corporate governance.